Future Ready

Sales and leadership blog

Sales and customer service can be learned. Improve the effectiveness in your sales force with immersive learning and chatbot technology.


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Transforming Call Centre Training: AI in Call Centre Training

Transforming Call Centre Training: AI in Call Centre Training

Introduction to AI-Enhanced Call Centre Training Imagine the first day of training at a call centre. A room filled with eager new hires, eyes fixed on a PowerPoint presentation, and a seasoned trainer hoping that the content sticks. Fast forward a month, and half of those hires are gone. This scenario is all too common […]

Hvordan sette profittdrevne salgsmål [Alt du trenger å vite]

Hvordan sette profittdrevne salgsmål [Alt du trenger å vite]

Målsetting er en prosess som hjelper deg med å oppnå resultat. Men, hva er et profittdrevet salgsmål? Og hvordan kan du sette profittdrevne mål for salgsstyrken din? I denne artikkelen vil vi diskutere inn og ut av målsetting, og gi deg konkrete tips for hvordan du kan sette salgsmål som vil hjelpe salgsstyrken din med […]

How To Create Profit Driven Sales Goals

How To Create Profit Driven Sales Goals

How To Create Profit Driven Sales Goals [Everything You Need To Know] Goal setting is a process that helps you achieve your desired outcome. But what makes a profit driven sales goal? And how can you set profit driven goals for your sales force? In this article, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of goal […]

4 tips for suksess med telefonsalg

4 tips for suksess med telefonsalg

4 tips for suksess med telefonsalg [Easy to Follow Guide] Hold deg oppdatert Telekomsalg er en prosess for å bygge relasjoner med kunder for å selge dem produkter og tjenester. Det viktigste du kan gjøre er å følge med på endringer i bransjen og nyheter, slik at du kan være forberedt på å tilby kundene […]

4 Tips for Phone Selling Success

4 Tips for Phone Selling Success

4 tips for phone selling success [Easy to Follow Guide] Stay updated Telecom sales is a process of building relationships with customers in order to sell them products and services. The most important thing you can do is to keep up with industry changes and news, so that you can be prepared to offer your […]

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through First Call Resolution: A Manager’s Playbook

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through First Call Resolution: A Manager’s Playbook

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through First Call Resolution: A Manager’s Playbook Let’s face it, customer loyalty is hard to come by. Call centres are doing their best on the frontlines to deliver exceptional service. When it comes to improving customer experience, first call resolution (FCR) is one of the most important metrics to pay attention to. […]

10 tips om hvordan du håndterer prisinnvendinger i salg

10 tips om hvordan du håndterer prisinnvendinger i salg

10 tips om hvordan du håndterer prisinnvendinger i salg [FAQs] Salgsinnvendinger er en vanlig forekomst, men det betyr ikke at de er enkle å håndtere. Faktisk kan det å overvinne prisinnvendinger være en av de vanskeligste oppgavene i salg. Det er imidlertid viktig å huske at det kan være en gyldig grunn for innsigelsen. Det […]

10 Tips On How To Handle Price Objections in Sales

10 Tips On How To Handle Price Objections in Sales

10 Tips on How To Handle Price Objections in Sales [FAQs] Sales objections are a common occurrence, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to deal with. In fact, overcoming price objections can be one of the most difficult tasks in sales. However, it’s important to remember that there may be a valid reason for the […]

Hvordan sette effektive OKR

Hvordan sette effektive OKR

Telekomselskaper er under press for å holde tritt med den nyeste teknologien og endrede kundekrav. For å holde seg konkurransedyktige er det viktig for telekomselskapene å sette seg effektive mål og måle fremgangen deres. Mål og nøkkelresultater (OKR) er et populært resultatstyringssystem som kan brukes i mange forskjellige bransjer. De er enkle å forstå og […]

How to set effective OKRs for telecom companies

How to set effective OKRs for telecom companies

Telecom companies are under pressure to keep up with the latest technology and changing customer demands. In order to stay competitive, it is important for telecom companies to set effective goals and measure their progress. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a popular performance management system that can be used in many different industries. They […]

7 avsluttende spørreteknikker du bør bruke i salgssamtaler

7 avsluttende spørreteknikker du bør bruke i salgssamtaler

7 ridiculously effective closing techniques [Step by step] It’s no secret that sales questioning is a powerful tool. Questions can be used to extract information, probe for feelings or hidden motives, and much more. In a sales interview, questions are your chance to shine. By preparing a few key questioning techniques, you can make the […]

7 Ridiculously Effective Closing Techniques

7 Ridiculously Effective Closing Techniques

7 ridiculously effective closing techniques [Step by step] It’s no secret that sales questioning is a powerful tool. Questions can be used to extract information, probe for feelings or hidden motives, and much more. In a sales interview, questions are your chance to shine. By preparing a few key questioning techniques, you can make the […]

Åpne og lukkede spørsmål i salgssamtale

Åpne og lukkede spørsmål i salgssamtale

Øk salget ved å stille disse 2 insider spørsmålstypene Det virker enkelt å stille åpne og lukkede spørsmål. Åpne spørsmål gir personen du spør muligheten til å svare fritt på spørsmålet du stiller Lukkede spørsmål gir ofte personen du spør bare noen få svaralternativer. Men det å bruke åpne og lukkede spørsmål i en salgssamtale […]

Open and close-ended questions – when and how to use them in sales

Open and close-ended questions – when and how to use them in sales

Boost your sales by asking these 2 types of insider questions Open and closed ended questions seem simple. Open questions give the person you are asking the opportunity to answer freely. Closed questions often give the person you are asking only a few options. But using open and closed questions in a sales conversation is […]

Hvorfor selger ikke salgsteamet mitt – 5 hovedårsaker

Hvorfor selger ikke salgsteamet mitt – 5 hovedårsaker

Det kan være en rekke årsaker til at salgsteamet ditt ikke selger. Kanskje de ikke lukker nok avtaler, eller kanskje de sliter med å få nye potensielle kunder. Uansett årsak, er det viktig å ta tak i problemet så raskt som mulig. Her er fem av de vanligste årsakene til at salgsteamet ditt ikke selger, […]

Why is my sales team not selling – 5 main reasons

Why is my sales team not selling – 5 main reasons

There could be any number of reasons why your sales team isn’t selling. Maybe they’re not closing enough deals, or maybe they’re struggling to get new leads. But whatever the reason, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible. Here are five of the most common reasons your sales team isn’t selling, and […]

Rollespill for salgstrening: 5 grunner til at det er verdifullt

Rollespill for salgstrening: 5 grunner til at det er verdifullt

Salgseksperter har brukt rollespill til salgstrening i årevis. Det er en effektiv måte å sette folk i en situasjon nær den virkelige verden og hjelpe dem med å øve salgssamtaler. Men med mindre du tenker gjennom hvordan du setter opp, kjører og evaluerer rollespill, kan de være mindre effektive enn du tror. I dette blogginnlegget […]

Roleplaying for Sales Training: 5 reasons why it is Valuable

Roleplaying for Sales Training: 5 reasons why it is Valuable

Sales professionals have been using roleplaying for sales training for years. It is an effective way to put people in a situation close to the real-world and help them practice sales conversations. However, unless you think through how you set up, run and evaluate roleplaying, they may be less effective than you think. In this blog […]

Hvem har det største potensialet for vekst i salgsorganisasjoner?

Hvem har det største potensialet for vekst i salgsorganisasjoner?

Det er en grunn til at salgstrenere er så populære. De kan gjøre fantastiske ting for bedrifter – men det krever at resten av bedriften er villig til å bygge en læringskultur. Altfor ofte er bedriftseiere avhengige av salgscoachen for å fikse alt som går galt i virksomheten deres. Og når ting ikke går som […]

Who Has the Biggest Potential for Growth in Sales Organizations?

Who Has the Biggest Potential for Growth in Sales Organizations?

There’s a reason sales coaches are so popular. They can do amazing things for businesses – but that requires that the rest of the company is willing to build a learning culture. Too often, business owners rely on their sales coach to fix everything that’s going wrong in their business. And when things don’t go […]

6 Reasons for Poor Sales Performance and How to Improve Them

6 Reasons for Poor Sales Performance and How to Improve Them

There are many reasons why sales performance in organizations can be poor. Sometimes it is due to a lack of leadership, while other times it is due to ineffective selling techniques or strategies. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons for this and how fix them to improve the […]

High Turnover Rate in Sales Organizations: Problem and Solutions

High Turnover Rate in Sales Organizations: Problem and Solutions

High turnover rate in sales organizations is a huge problem in most countries. The high pressure and fast-paced nature of the job can be tough for even the most experienced salespeople. Add to the fact that sales jobs often are commission-based, and it’s no wonder that turnover rates are so high. In fact, according to […]

Top 4 Sales Objections in 2023: How to Handle Them

Top 4 Sales Objections in 2023: How to Handle Them

Sales objections are a natural part of the sales process. In fact, if you’re not getting objections, you’re probably not pushing hard enough. Every salesperson will face objections from potential buyers at some point during their career. The key is to be prepared for them! In this blogpost, we will discuss the most common sales […]

Sales Trends 2023: What to Expect in the Future of Selling

Sales Trends 2023: What to Expect in the Future of Selling

Sales trends are always changing, and it can be hard to predict what the future of selling will look like. However, by taking a look at current trends and extrapolating them into the future, we can get a good idea of what to expect. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most […]

10 Common Leadership Mistakes in 2023: How to Prevent

10 Common Leadership Mistakes in 2023: How to Prevent

As a leader, you are responsible for the growth of your company and need to make sure that your decisions will help facilitate this. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes that leaders make that can actually lead to high turnover rates and hinder revenue growth. A big part of leadership mistakes in 2022 is caused by […]

3 Steps for Successful Onboarding of New Employees

3 Steps for Successful Onboarding of New Employees

Good employees are like any other valuable commodity: they’re hard to find, and they’re even harder to keep around if you don’t take care of them. How you handle your new hires will set the tone for the rest of their time with your company, so it’s important to get it right from the start. […]

Learning in the Flow of Work: innovative learning

Learning in the Flow of Work: innovative learning

In 2022, innovative learning is crucial for companies. In many large industries today, we are seeing radical changes, with an influx of new challengers in the market. While in the banking and finance industry, we see that companies such as Norwegian, Komplett and IKEA have seen the opportunity to use their customer base and distribution […]

Ultradian Performance Rhythm: increase your productivity at work

Ultradian Performance Rhythm: increase your productivity at work

You know the days where you feel that the motivation isn’t just there, and your thoughts are not exactly where they should be. We know the feeling, and we also may have a solution for you. In this blogpost we are going to talk about ultradian performance rhythms and how you can improve your productivity, […]

Sales Conversation Tips: 4 Easy Steps to Become a Better Salesperson

Sales Conversation Tips: 4 Easy Steps to Become a Better Salesperson

What sales conversation feels better than a successful one? The sales conversation where you walk the customer through all the different steps of the sales process and it ends with a new customer in your portfolio. Of course, every sales conversation doesn’t go this perfectly. There are always going to be bumps in the road. […]

5 Proven Techniques to Close the Deal

5 Proven Techniques to Close the Deal

5 Proven Techniques to Close the Deal [Sales Closing Techniques] In this article we will look at five effective closing techniques in sales, for ending the conversation – in a natural way. Closing is an important part of the sales conversation, and there are often small margins that determine whether it will be a success […]

Transforming Call Centre Training: AI in Call Centre Training

Transforming Call Centre Training: AI in Call Centre Training

Introduction to AI-Enhanced Call Centre Training Imagine the first day of training at a call centre. A room filled with eager new hires, eyes fixed on a PowerPoint presentation, and a seasoned trainer hoping that the content sticks. Fast forward a month, and half of those hires are gone. This scenario is all too common […]

How To Create Profit Driven Sales Goals

How To Create Profit Driven Sales Goals

How To Create Profit Driven Sales Goals [Everything You Need To Know] Goal setting is a process that helps you achieve your desired outcome. But what makes a profit driven sales goal? And how can you set profit driven goals for your sales force? In this article, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of goal […]

Hvordan sette profittdrevne salgsmål [Alt du trenger å vite]

Hvordan sette profittdrevne salgsmål [Alt du trenger å vite]

Målsetting er en prosess som hjelper deg med å oppnå resultat. Men, hva er et profittdrevet salgsmål? Og hvordan kan du sette profittdrevne mål for salgsstyrken din? I denne artikkelen vil vi diskutere inn og ut av målsetting, og gi deg konkrete tips for hvordan du kan sette salgsmål som vil hjelpe salgsstyrken din med […]

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through First Call Resolution: A Manager’s Playbook

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through First Call Resolution: A Manager’s Playbook

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through First Call Resolution: A Manager’s Playbook Let’s face it, customer loyalty is hard to come by. Call centres are doing their best on the frontlines to deliver exceptional service. When it comes to improving customer experience, first call resolution (FCR) is one of the most important metrics to pay attention to. […]

How to set effective OKRs for telecom companies

How to set effective OKRs for telecom companies

Telecom companies are under pressure to keep up with the latest technology and changing customer demands. In order to stay competitive, it is important for telecom companies to set effective goals and measure their progress. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a popular performance management system that can be used in many different industries. They […]

Hvordan sette effektive OKR

Hvordan sette effektive OKR

Telekomselskaper er under press for å holde tritt med den nyeste teknologien og endrede kundekrav. For å holde seg konkurransedyktige er det viktig for telekomselskapene å sette seg effektive mål og måle fremgangen deres. Mål og nøkkelresultater (OKR) er et populært resultatstyringssystem som kan brukes i mange forskjellige bransjer. De er enkle å forstå og […]

Åpne og lukkede spørsmål i salgssamtale

Åpne og lukkede spørsmål i salgssamtale

Øk salget ved å stille disse 2 insider spørsmålstypene Det virker enkelt å stille åpne og lukkede spørsmål. Åpne spørsmål gir personen du spør muligheten til å svare fritt på spørsmålet du stiller Lukkede spørsmål gir ofte personen du spør bare noen få svaralternativer. Men det å bruke åpne og lukkede spørsmål i en salgssamtale […]

Open and close-ended questions – when and how to use them in sales

Open and close-ended questions – when and how to use them in sales

Boost your sales by asking these 2 types of insider questions Open and closed ended questions seem simple. Open questions give the person you are asking the opportunity to answer freely. Closed questions often give the person you are asking only a few options. But using open and closed questions in a sales conversation is […]

Why is my sales team not selling – 5 main reasons

Why is my sales team not selling – 5 main reasons

There could be any number of reasons why your sales team isn’t selling. Maybe they’re not closing enough deals, or maybe they’re struggling to get new leads. But whatever the reason, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible. Here are five of the most common reasons your sales team isn’t selling, and […]

Hvorfor selger ikke salgsteamet mitt – 5 hovedårsaker

Hvorfor selger ikke salgsteamet mitt – 5 hovedårsaker

Det kan være en rekke årsaker til at salgsteamet ditt ikke selger. Kanskje de ikke lukker nok avtaler, eller kanskje de sliter med å få nye potensielle kunder. Uansett årsak, er det viktig å ta tak i problemet så raskt som mulig. Her er fem av de vanligste årsakene til at salgsteamet ditt ikke selger, […]

Roleplaying for Sales Training: 5 reasons why it is Valuable

Roleplaying for Sales Training: 5 reasons why it is Valuable

Sales professionals have been using roleplaying for sales training for years. It is an effective way to put people in a situation close to the real-world and help them practice sales conversations. However, unless you think through how you set up, run and evaluate roleplaying, they may be less effective than you think. In this blog […]

Rollespill for salgstrening: 5 grunner til at det er verdifullt

Rollespill for salgstrening: 5 grunner til at det er verdifullt

Salgseksperter har brukt rollespill til salgstrening i årevis. Det er en effektiv måte å sette folk i en situasjon nær den virkelige verden og hjelpe dem med å øve salgssamtaler. Men med mindre du tenker gjennom hvordan du setter opp, kjører og evaluerer rollespill, kan de være mindre effektive enn du tror. I dette blogginnlegget […]

Who Has the Biggest Potential for Growth in Sales Organizations?

Who Has the Biggest Potential for Growth in Sales Organizations?

There’s a reason sales coaches are so popular. They can do amazing things for businesses – but that requires that the rest of the company is willing to build a learning culture. Too often, business owners rely on their sales coach to fix everything that’s going wrong in their business. And when things don’t go […]

Hvem har det største potensialet for vekst i salgsorganisasjoner?

Hvem har det største potensialet for vekst i salgsorganisasjoner?

Det er en grunn til at salgstrenere er så populære. De kan gjøre fantastiske ting for bedrifter – men det krever at resten av bedriften er villig til å bygge en læringskultur. Altfor ofte er bedriftseiere avhengige av salgscoachen for å fikse alt som går galt i virksomheten deres. Og når ting ikke går som […]

6 Reasons for Poor Sales Performance and How to Improve Them

6 Reasons for Poor Sales Performance and How to Improve Them

There are many reasons why sales performance in organizations can be poor. Sometimes it is due to a lack of leadership, while other times it is due to ineffective selling techniques or strategies. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasons for this and how fix them to improve the […]

High Turnover Rate in Sales Organizations: Problem and Solutions

High Turnover Rate in Sales Organizations: Problem and Solutions

High turnover rate in sales organizations is a huge problem in most countries. The high pressure and fast-paced nature of the job can be tough for even the most experienced salespeople. Add to the fact that sales jobs often are commission-based, and it’s no wonder that turnover rates are so high. In fact, according to […]

10 Common Leadership Mistakes in 2023: How to Prevent

10 Common Leadership Mistakes in 2023: How to Prevent

As a leader, you are responsible for the growth of your company and need to make sure that your decisions will help facilitate this. Unfortunately, there are many mistakes that leaders make that can actually lead to high turnover rates and hinder revenue growth. A big part of leadership mistakes in 2022 is caused by […]

3 Steps for Successful Onboarding of New Employees

3 Steps for Successful Onboarding of New Employees

Good employees are like any other valuable commodity: they’re hard to find, and they’re even harder to keep around if you don’t take care of them. How you handle your new hires will set the tone for the rest of their time with your company, so it’s important to get it right from the start. […]

4 Tips for Phone Selling Success

4 Tips for Phone Selling Success

4 tips for phone selling success [Easy to Follow Guide] Stay updated Telecom sales is a process of building relationships with customers in order to sell them products and services. The most important thing you can do is to keep up with industry changes and news, so that you can be prepared to offer your […]

10 Tips On How To Handle Price Objections in Sales

10 Tips On How To Handle Price Objections in Sales

10 Tips on How To Handle Price Objections in Sales [FAQs] Sales objections are a common occurrence, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to deal with. In fact, overcoming price objections can be one of the most difficult tasks in sales. However, it’s important to remember that there may be a valid reason for the […]

7 Ridiculously Effective Closing Techniques

7 Ridiculously Effective Closing Techniques

7 ridiculously effective closing techniques [Step by step] It’s no secret that sales questioning is a powerful tool. Questions can be used to extract information, probe for feelings or hidden motives, and much more. In a sales interview, questions are your chance to shine. By preparing a few key questioning techniques, you can make the […]

Top 4 Sales Objections in 2023: How to Handle Them

Top 4 Sales Objections in 2023: How to Handle Them

Sales objections are a natural part of the sales process. In fact, if you’re not getting objections, you’re probably not pushing hard enough. Every salesperson will face objections from potential buyers at some point during their career. The key is to be prepared for them! In this blogpost, we will discuss the most common sales […]

Sales Trends 2023: What to Expect in the Future of Selling

Sales Trends 2023: What to Expect in the Future of Selling

Sales trends are always changing, and it can be hard to predict what the future of selling will look like. However, by taking a look at current trends and extrapolating them into the future, we can get a good idea of what to expect. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most […]

Learning in the Flow of Work: innovative learning

Learning in the Flow of Work: innovative learning

In 2022, innovative learning is crucial for companies. In many large industries today, we are seeing radical changes, with an influx of new challengers in the market. While in the banking and finance industry, we see that companies such as Norwegian, Komplett and IKEA have seen the opportunity to use their customer base and distribution […]

Ultradian Performance Rhythm: increase your productivity at work

Ultradian Performance Rhythm: increase your productivity at work

You know the days where you feel that the motivation isn’t just there, and your thoughts are not exactly where they should be. We know the feeling, and we also may have a solution for you. In this blogpost we are going to talk about ultradian performance rhythms and how you can improve your productivity, […]

Sales Conversation Tips: 4 Easy Steps to Become a Better Salesperson

Sales Conversation Tips: 4 Easy Steps to Become a Better Salesperson

What sales conversation feels better than a successful one? The sales conversation where you walk the customer through all the different steps of the sales process and it ends with a new customer in your portfolio. Of course, every sales conversation doesn’t go this perfectly. There are always going to be bumps in the road. […]

5 Proven Techniques to Close the Deal

5 Proven Techniques to Close the Deal

5 Proven Techniques to Close the Deal [Sales Closing Techniques] In this article we will look at five effective closing techniques in sales, for ending the conversation – in a natural way. Closing is an important part of the sales conversation, and there are often small margins that determine whether it will be a success […]

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